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How to improve your relationship with others
I've met too many intelligent people with high IQs but nearly zero or very low EQs. Too bad schools rarely offer classes on relationships. What I mean by relationship is not limited to romantic one, but in general the relationship with people around you, e.g. at work, at home and in your social circle. I'm not an expert either, but I've learned over the years so I'd like to share some very simple strategies that may lighten your spirits, open your heart, enhance your life, and broaden your perspective.

Here is the advice from a relationship expert about his own relationship:
"As we reflect on our own relationship, it is clear that while we both have many flaws, our greatest strength is that we don't sweat the small stuff - very often. Most of the time we're able to take each other in stride and focus on strengths instead of weaknesses. More often than not, we let things go instead of holding them against each other. Both of us are more committed to being kind than to being right, and each of us has the ability to laugh at ourselves. We've found that when we're not too uptight, life gets a whole lot easier and we experience a great deal more love."

If I could extend the above ideas a bit further, i.e. if you could apply the same strategies with not only your partner but also people around you in general, you might become happier than you are even when you're already happy.